lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

Mineral's Composition

In this lab we fist guess the mineral’s name and study their characteristic  with special materials that would let us to know in the data what was the original name and composition of the minerals, but we were supposed to have a very clear and thoughtful investigation on the mineral’s composition and color, because some of the minerals might have different color even being the same mineral, another part where we were very focus was in the Cleavage that allowed us to identify the way the mineral might broke, if into fractures or straight.

The part that I most enjoy, was to identify the minerals qualities  and the deeply and thoughtful   investigation about the minerals  composition and how they are different to each other and the most important one that it’s the place where they can be found the how they are classify known as the Silicate minerals and Non-Silicate minerals.
        The most challenging part for me from this project was the form the assignment was written, because it confused me a lot and also other difficult was to work with a lazy partner.
        By doing this project I have learn a new skill that is very required by teacher, which is to follow the instruction of a Lab-Report and have it done as it’s required to be.
Something that I can improve from my Lab-Report is the information from the discussion I will like to have that done in a more clear way and easy to understand

jueves, 5 de abril de 2012

Our World on Shape

Lithosphere Layer: In this layer I decide to create something artistic, so I chose to create a Model and Mini-Posters. My model was basically on Faults Normal, Reverse/thrust and strike-slip. In my model I explain how does each one of the faults move and I also explain what they can cause to earth continental crust, for example strike-slip faults affect is by moving a part creating earthquake and dividing mass of lands or river to other parts.
Asthenosphere Layer: In this layer I chose to be creative and at the same time research a little bit, so I decide to create Foldable-Mini Quiz and Demonstration Lab. For the demonstration lab I use hot water in a cup as Magma and, cold water in the cube as the earth Asthenosphere. I did this experiment to find out, how does Convention Currents occur in earth lithosphere and what made it occur one of the major causer is the earth Inner Core that is the most hot layer of earth which affect the Magma making move to the top to where the lithosphere is and when it move to there is gets cold and it move to the side brushing the walls of the lithosphere moving the plates away. In my foldable I create three type of diagram which represents the Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and Atmosphere.  On the lithosphere I draw a rocky environment; in the Hydrosphere I draw a liquid environment; and the Atmosphere I draw our lining environment by this creativities I had a chance to show and learn the important part of our world soil, air and water.  
Mantle Layer: For this Layer I decide to create something technological and artistic, so I create a Power Point in which I illustrate the causes and evidence of Plate Tectonic and The Theory of plate Tectonic and Convention Currents, for example the Tectonic Plates are large plates of rock that make up the creation of earth crust and the shape of the continents, another example of the theory is that it was build up during the 20th century and it was based in the concept of Continental Drift.
Critical Thinking Question:
I’m agree with the Theory of the Tectonic Plates, because of what I have read already in the article and as it says that the Theory of the Tectonic Plates is a theory that shows the larges movements of earth lithosphere as I stop to think about the first time I found out that it was true, because of the Pangea there something supposed to make the continents move away and by the movement of earth lithosphere is the only way the continents can move away.
 The evidence are very clear about this point the Convention Currents, the faults and boundaries are the best example for this that I have found, for example the Convention Currents as the Magma is being hit by the hot of the inner core this make it move up to the top and when it gets cold it move down to the side brushing the walls of the lithosphere, and the Boundaries for example a Divergent Boundary is the best way to explain who could the Theory of the Tectonic Plates happen by the movements of the plates away from each other.
·       What did you enjoy the most about this project and why?
I really enjoy a lot to do the lab about the Convention current, because I learned a lot about how does the convention currents happens and what make it happen and how does it affect us.
·       What was the most challenging for you in this project and why?
The most challenging for me in this project was to create the model, because I’m a perfectionist I really love to create things the best I can and make it look very professional.
·       What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
Doing this project I learn how to create a Power Point and then how to make it a video on Animoto.
·       Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
Yes I would like to have done a better model that looks more professional, because I think that the model that I did make does not look very professional.

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012


Word/Native language:                    Dedfinition:
-Partial Eclipse/ Eclipse Parcial:       Is an Eclipse in which part of the surface of the Eclipse is black.
-Total Eclipse/ Eclipse Total:           Is an Eclipse in which the whole surface of the Eclipse is black.
-Solar Eclipse/ Eclipse Solar:           Occurs when the Moon Pass between the sun and the Earth.
-Lunar Eclipse/ Eclipse Lunar:         Occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and Moon, causing a shadow from Earth to Moon.
-Umbra/ Umbra:                               Is the dark part of the Shadow.
-Penumbra/ Penumbra:                     Is the light part of the Shadow.

There is a family Eclipse. Lunar Eclipse, Solar Sclipse, Partial Eclipse and Total Eclipse some members of the Eclipse family block the light from sun to earth, in others the moon pass around the earth and sun. The effect  of each of the eclipse members, are the produce the a shadow called Umbra and Penumbra. The Umbra is the dark part of the shadow that causes the total eclipse. The Penumbra is the ligth part of the shadow that cuases the Partial Eclipse.


Critical Thinking Question: 
How is earth affected by movements (revolution)?
-Earth is affected by movement. The earth revolution take 365 days, during this process many stuff happen to earth, causing the 4 seasons due by the movements of earth and from the different points, the earth get sun light. And by the momevents of earth around the sun and moon causing 4 different types of eclipses.

-The most I enjoy about this project, was to create posters and quiz.
-The most challenge to me, was to create a video and make it look nice.
-The new skill I learn was, how to make a good animation for the video.
-Something that I would like to improve next time, will be my voice in the video and talk more loud.

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011


The Jurassic Period, beging 213 Million Years Ago and the end 240 Million Years Ago. This period was the first one to have birds. The life in the Jurassic Perod. The life in the jurassic Period was Turtles and Crocodile increased and some more variety, a new specie of Plesiosaur and Icthyosaur start, in Earth insect like Arts, Bees, Earwing, Flies and Wasps were first see. The Dinasours controled the Earth.

I Enjoy it, the most because I learn very impotant things about, the Dinasours and i really like Dinasours, this made me enjoy it more that what I thought I would.

The most challenging part for me was to find picture, because I woned that the picture look originals, natural and nice.

I change the information, because may times it was wrong, or not organized well and I add some more picture.

What I learned in this project.
-Why many events or things happed in Earth.
-Another way that tells the extiction of the Dinasours, that may be the real one, that cause Dinasours exticiton.
-The importance of that period in our world, and that everything that begings like a simple thing have a the end.

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011

The Stars

What is a star: A star is a large ball made of hot gas. That is always in the sky every night. The stars can be more bigger, than what we think it’s because they are far away from us. All the stars have many different types of colors.
               Some stars are, black hole it’s because those stars a very dim.  There is different age of stars young stars, middle stars and old stars. The Red Dwarf are the most colder stars and the blue giants are the most hotter stars.
Types of stars:  there many types of stars. The Main Sequence,  Super Giants,  White Dwarfs and Giants. I n this way we can identify the stars more easily. And it tells us where the stars are located.
                              And it can tell, the  of star it’ like Red Giants,  Blue Giant, the ages of each stars if the star is  Old Star, Meddle Star or Young star.
H-R Diagram: It’s what tells us where the stars are located. And the color, temperature, size and what hotter or colder the stars is, and the luminosity of it. And it’s very useful for the astronomer because they can identify and see where the star is in the space.
               And it tell them the most basic information about the stars and their status, and what is going on with the stars and, if they noticed some changes on the stars or something new in the stars.
Nuclear Fusion:  Is what make the energy for the stars by a process of hydrogen gas molecules a hilum molecule, this process is known as Nuclear Fusion. This how it works, (H)+( H)= Het Energy.
               And this is how are stars created also by the process too, and this happened in the middle of the star and id known as Nuclear Fusion.

The Life Cycle of a Star: The stars life is formatted by many  process, for Stellar Nebula,  Protostar,  Planetary Nebula, Black dwarf, Supernova, Neutron Star, Black Hole.  This process is better known as the process that created the stars.
               Every star has their own life, and made their own life in the space.  Some of them has baby, and there is Young, Adult and Old Stars. Some of them die, but what happened is that some stars loose the  luminosity, and it became invisible, and when it became  like this  it’s called Black Hole this star absorbs everything in their way. 

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011


Planet: Neptune
Planet order: 8 from the sun
Distance:795,000,000 million km
Mass:  1.02 x 1026 kg
Diameter:49,530 km
Rotation:16 hours
Revolution:164.79 years
Number fo moons:13 moons
Terrestrial or Jovian: (jovian)
Planet Description: this planet is a blue ball, tha is made by gas and it’s the last planet in the space. The large gaseous planet with thin, dark rings and axis of rotation is nearly paralled to planet of orbit and the aqtmosphere is hydroge,helium, and methane.
Interesting Facts:
-Neptune is one od the fourth largest planet in the space.
-Neptune look blue, because the absorption of red light by methane in the abmosphere.