lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011


The Jurassic Period, beging 213 Million Years Ago and the end 240 Million Years Ago. This period was the first one to have birds. The life in the Jurassic Perod. The life in the jurassic Period was Turtles and Crocodile increased and some more variety, a new specie of Plesiosaur and Icthyosaur start, in Earth insect like Arts, Bees, Earwing, Flies and Wasps were first see. The Dinasours controled the Earth.

I Enjoy it, the most because I learn very impotant things about, the Dinasours and i really like Dinasours, this made me enjoy it more that what I thought I would.

The most challenging part for me was to find picture, because I woned that the picture look originals, natural and nice.

I change the information, because may times it was wrong, or not organized well and I add some more picture.

What I learned in this project.
-Why many events or things happed in Earth.
-Another way that tells the extiction of the Dinasours, that may be the real one, that cause Dinasours exticiton.
-The importance of that period in our world, and that everything that begings like a simple thing have a the end.

2 comentarios:

  1. your video was awesome because you got a very well organized information with accurate pictures good job!

  2. I enjoy looking at your video!! it's really interesting!:) Excellent work with description and details! It was very useful!!
