In this lab we fist guess the mineral’s name and study their characteristic with special materials that would let us to know in the data what was the original name and composition of the minerals, but we were supposed to have a very clear and thoughtful investigation on the mineral’s composition and color, because some of the minerals might have different color even being the same mineral, another part where we were very focus was in the Cleavage that allowed us to identify the way the mineral might broke, if into fractures or straight.
The part that I most enjoy, was to identify the minerals qualities and the deeply and thoughtful investigation about the minerals composition and how they are different to each other and the most important one that it’s the place where they can be found the how they are classify known as the Silicate minerals and Non-Silicate minerals.
The most challenging part for me from this project was the form the assignment was written, because it confused me a lot and also other difficult was to work with a lazy partner.
By doing this project I have learn a new skill that is very required by teacher, which is to follow the instruction of a Lab-Report and have it done as it’s required to be.
Something that I can improve from my Lab-Report is the information from the discussion I will like to have that done in a more clear way and easy to understand
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